David Prater (Australia): Two Poems


sing/ a song of/exes &
zeroes/ just one/ now
down a maple lane/we
walk/together/talk of
breaking up/getting back
whatevers/slam doors/
walking through them/
first glances/second go/
looks that kill or maim/
return home/clothes/off
or on/unanswered calls/
last hopes/chance/hell/
what will we remember/
& where will we be/in
fifty beers/hello there/
what's your name/mix
with wine/hello there/
it's closing time/already/
back to mine/whatever/
see you round/the trap/
or by a traffic light/some
summer afternoon/bye/
oh hi/me again/want to
catch up/sure/name the
place/or time/hang up/
memorise that number/
forget it/next time/see
a hole before stepping/
in it/close the door/&/
sing /with me /xx /oo


oh god yeah god my god my oh
yes james joyce ulysses yes yes
penguin modern classics yeah
my god yes yes & a penguin oh
i'm coming over many penguins
yes more penguins yes & books
yes a book filled with penguins
yes lots & lots of poems yes oh
yes yes stop no start go yes god
oh yes leave it right there go yes
yep yep schnell yes hell yes oh
bless god yes yes yes god oh no
god no yes no ts suck my breast
eliot yes ts yes not yet go no oh
hard as hit my arse & go hard ts
go go go ts stop no go god go go
hell yes heaven no go zone that's
yes right there in english oh yes
english yes that's english oh god
pocket rocket god yes throbbing
yes wet yes oh yes molly oh god
yes blooming blooming god yes
flower fucking yes my god that's
yes yes yes not no god no god in
a knot yes not there yet stop yes
god yes god yeah no no go on &
oh yes on & on & on a river yes
yes by the river yes god on & on
like a river yes god god no don't
hold on god oh no gods all gone