Vladlen Pogorelov (Rocklin, California, USA): from Derelict, "No. 112"

The arrival of the greasy day
With its empty cans on the front porch,
Splashes of dirt from passing cars,
Noisy yellow school buses,
A good example of bad taste

The head is a bit heavy
With a thought:
“In every woman there is a lonely a guitar.”

In the bathroom,
The yellow teeth of
Is still
Which lived in the last quarter
Of the twentieth…hundreds of years ago
Since a carpenter’s son
(Never learned the trade properly)
Was nailed to a wooden symbol
Of a helicopter before…Leonardo
(Performance art >>>>>
J.C. on the cross >>>>>
Time to spit out the toothpaste and
Get dressed for just another
Greasy day.

© Vladlen Pogorelov 1997