Jeremy Eric Tenenbaum (Manayunk, Philadelphia, USA): "uneurydice"

uary 13teenth and then "hook'd
up" on jan

uary 2wenty2econd, then i
guess we were dating & he says
i guess we're "dating" and i got roses and i
gave him head and he

as stretched out on the seat of his Thunde
rbird he says we're "not dating" that w

uary 2wenty5ifth it w
as wetsnowing I gu

ess i lost my virginity "like
when you say your n
ame over

and over and it's not
about you anym
ore on jan

uary 2wenty6ixth i kiss'd
him and i w

drunk i guess i
pass'd out and woke up after i had
a dream a

bout red tigers and gentle Arab reeds he
held my head and with b
oth hands it

was so sweet but both hands were w
et i was als
o wet on jan

2wenty9inth i thought of him on january 3irti 0eth i got roses and i
stretched out on the seat of his Cavel

ier my red hair was w
etsnow and he says i guess it's "you" and
then "no" i sh

ake my red hair "no" by
then it was febr
uary 1irst

c. Jeremy Eric Tenenbaum

First appeared in print in Columbia Poetry Review 13 in 2000.